Slots at Home

By :- Sharia, On February 5, 2016 in ::-Slot Machines

There’re two ways that you can enjoy a bit of a punt, a tipple, a gamble. You can do it for fun, with play money, or stress yourself out to the max and play with real money. I don’t mind doing a bit of both and it’s really the occasion that determines which way I play.

The games online use a combination of both, and it was smart of some developers to counteract the attractiveness of online gambling for real money by providing us with the alternate of just playing for fun. There’s no doubt that playing for a nice bonus to your weekly wage will get the adrenalin coursing through the veins. The thought, and it’s one that makes an addicted gambler a little sick to the stomach, is the prospect of losing that weekly pay!

Online gambling is such a big business now and you don’t even have to leave home. Of course, you can still have a night out with some friends or even with your girlfriend or partner. A few drinks at the local casino after dinner, maybe win a few quid or lose a few quid, all makes for a night’s entertainment. I love the feeling of pocketing £30 or £40 after spending almost as much having a meal and a few drinks. Your winnings have paid for the evening’s fun. If you lose that £30, then you’re going to be thinking, “Man, that was an expensive night out!”

Surfing the internet, I came across a free slots games site that you can play at no cost and it’s basically backing your luck to win enough to move onto the next level. The website is rather cool, well designed and easy to play. The cost of registering was a big, fat zero.

 1I had an idea for a night of gambling. I have a big screen TV and a desktop PC with a big monitor. How about a gambling relay? Two teams with one team on the slots while the other team plays poker, online, play money. The biggest bank wins. All my friends have some sort of electronic device to fidget with while waiting for their turn. A few pies and beers and we could have a great night.

Here’s the thing about organising nights like this. If you go to the local pub with friends you’re going2 to spend a pocket full of money. Beers, chips, a snack, more beer, you know the drill. Probably £30 out of pocket and a cold walk home. In-house entertainment like this will cost next to nothing. Just a few beers, bring your own snacks and your competitive spirit. The guys had a ball and there were some great jokes told and some pretty good scores. We were able to bank a few hundred thousand from Poker and we stepped our way through 5 levels of the slots game. A very cool night and the guys reckon we should do it again. Maybe invite the girls as well and have a Males V Females shootout. I’m in!

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